With a heart filled with joy...
It is with a heart filled with joy that I work to improve your physical and inner well-being by providing therapeutic care. I have various approaches, among others; the Bekaa technique which I developed myself. If you are looking to feel better at all levels as well as to find happiness again, and live a healthy and fulfilling life, I invite you to come and meet with me.
I also draw my joy in Sacred Oriental Dancing, which I teach in Quebec City, and Ikaa, a type of meditation through movements, that is the extension of the Oriental Dancing as I teach it. If your heart sings and you would like to be mesmerized by the world of Oriental Dancing, come and explore my own treasure trove. You will find veils, shawls and miscellaneous accessories to embellish your body and life.
I also share with you my passion for Lebanon, my country of origin, with different videos and readings.
My joy is your joy. Welcome to my universe.
Welcome to my world
This is an invitation to come and reconnect with your magnificence and the most enlightened parts of yourself. Come to meet me and offer yourself a life in freedom, joy, love and peace.